Is It a Sin to Be in Poverty?

If we're honest, people in poverty can frustrate us. Sometimes it's hard to sympathize with someone who seems to have a destructive lifestyle or doesn't embody a strong work ethic. It's easy have negative thoughts when we encounter someone in a financial crisis. Sadly, the ideal of the American Dream has taught us, whether consciously or subconsciously, that someone's financial state is a direct result of their ability to work hard. Therefore, people in poverty are often thought of, at least in the American context, as lazy. Although we know better than to give people in poverty such a narrow view, we should at least, I think, acknowledge these feelings and address them. So why do people in poverty sometimes get under our skin? We may not realize it all the time, but our attitudes toward certain people come from our own cultural practices. In sociology we call this Social Norms. For example, here in Thomasville, it's a social norm to ride around town in ...