The God We Meet At Pentecost
It's been a minute since I've last posted here on my blog. I've actually been in the process of writing a blog about mask-wearing as we go back to in-person worship services, but of course, the death of George Floyd has turned my focus to a more complex issue at hand. It's hard not to be discouraged by this event, but even there I sense God's comfort. Especially when I read the story of the Day of Pentecost as depicted in Acts 2:1-21. This past Sunday was Pentecost Sunday. It's when we look back on the coming of the Holy Spirit and the beginning of fulfilled prophecy from Joel's writing in the Old Testament (Joel 2:28-32). The thing that struck me most this Sunday was the part of the Scripture where the Holy Spirit empowered the Apostles to speak in different languages (2:4). It struck me because it seems to present God as a being who desires to be known and who welcomes people from different cultures and identities. Even those on the margins. It wasn...